Forming Your Llc In Wisconsin - Additional Fee Information

An Llc In Wisconsin isn't just another business name. An llc in wisconsin really is a separate limited liability company which has been set up in the state of Wisconsin. Forming an LLC in Wisconsin isn't nearly as difficult and costly as the formation process is in some other states. The fees for setting up an LLC in Wisconsin are much more reasonable than many of the other states.

llc in wisconsin


One of the main reasons you would want to form an LLC in Wisconsin would be to avoid having to pay income taxes on your business profits. An LLC in Wisconsin can be treated as an S-corporation and therefore may be required to file a report with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. This is something that has to be done with any business that does business in the state, even if it is solely electronic. Every electronic transaction has to be reported to the state revenue department.


If you are considering a new business or have just started one and want to know whether it will require you to pay income taxes or not, you should look into whether you need to obtain liability insurance. Liability insurance protects your company against lawsuits that result from personal injury or property damage caused by your employees, contractors or anyone else that may come in contact with your business premises. Having this type of coverage on a regular basis is important, particularly if you hire employees from out of state. Even if your business is located right here in Wisconsin, you may still have to obtain workers' compensation insurance coverage in other states.

Forming Your LLC In Wisconsin - Additional Fee Information


When you get ready to open up your doors as an LLC in Wisconsin, you are going to need to choose a name. One of the most popular options is to use the name of one of your existing businesses. However, you can also choose to select a name that best describes what your business offers. To simplify things, you should consider using a business name that describes your primary location and the services that your company provides.


After you choose a name for your business, you should register your business with the secretary of state in Wisconsin. To do this, you will need to file a fictitious name statement. When you file this statement, you are making sure that your business will appear on all public records. For example, if you are opening an LLC in Wisconsin and have many employees in another state, all of their phone numbers and addresses should be listed on the filings that they make with the secretary of state in Wisconsin. The filing will also include the business address of the registered agent that you have used.


After you file these documents with the secretary of state in Wisconsin, you will be able to change your registered office and select a new company name. In addition to a new company name, you will need to change the name of your registered agent and select a new business address. If your LLC in Wisconsin has more than one director or shareholder, all of their addresses will also need to be recorded. All of the above changes should be made on the same tax filing form.


All of the above can be done online through the filing process. However, when you file an online annual report, you must submit all of the documents by a specific due date. If you miss the deadline, the IRS will charge additional fees. Therefore, if you want to expedite your filing, you should call the office and speak to a state tax official.


Forming your LLC in Wisconsin requires one of several permits. Among the permits that you will need to form your LLC in Wisconsin are a certificate of authority and an annual report. Each of these forms are available online and will allow you to be in business as soon as possible. If you wish to save some money, you can use a software program to help you file your annual report and other paperwork. This type of software can help you keep track of your filing and will not charge any additional fee.

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